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Garden Shed

Claygate Gardening Depot

Location: Vale Road Allotments, Claygate

Opening times:

Saturdays, 11.00 - 12.00

from March 2nd 2024

Depot Product list (2024)

We're excited to bring the depot to CGS and CAHA members for another year with a hardworking team of volunteers stocking, supporting and helping you all. Below is a list of the products, and prices, of products available at the depot. 

While being a CGS/CAHA member earns great discounts at local nursaries and garden centres we hope you'll continue to support and benefit from the depot. It's also a great place to meet fellow gardeners. 

At the moment it is not possible to buy these products through our website.

Doff Liquid Tomato Feed



Slow release Azalea, Camelia & Rhod granules



Doff Azalea, Camellia and Rhodo Liquid Feed


Doff Slow Release Rose and Shrub granules



Mypex matting


1m - /metre

Mypex matting


2m - /metre



5m Pack of 1m wide



5m Pack of 2m wide

Weed control fabric


Doff Universal Bug Control


Doff Slug and Snail Killer



Doff Slug and Snail Killer



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